Zulkifli Bin Ngah is the founder of Zulkili Ngah Enginering Sdn.Bhd
He is a local corporate figure in Terengganu.with involvement in diversified business areas which include property development,civil construction,engineering services,hardware trading,infrastructure ,ICT business and advertisement business.
Zulkifli Bin Ngah started his business in Kemaman , Terengganu in the 1990's dealing in civil construction works.
In 1994 he expand into diversification of other businesses.He involved in oil and gas, petrochemical engineering service provider.His business empire has grown into many areas.
ZULKIFLI NGAH ENGINEERING SDN. BHD. mission to be a leading engineering
services provider in Malaysia will be manifested by its keys to success.
- To provide professional quality services on time and on budget.
- To develop a follow up strategy to gauge performance with all clients mission.
- To implement and maintain a quality control and assurance policy.
- To coordinate with strategic alliance and networking with other local and foreign expertise
- to provide prompt,efficient services to its client.
- To create an environment that encourages, innovation, improvement and enhances
- quality control this is in consonance with its focus on meeting the needs of clients.